- The vanishing country of women? 正在消逝的女儿国?
- The emancipation of women depends on themselves. 妇女的解放依靠她们自己。
- The question of woman suffrage sets them at variance. 妇女参政的问题使他们发生争执。
- Lincoln represents the owner's social status in China while it is nothing more than a vehicle in its country of origin. 在中国,林肯轿车象徵车主的社会地位,而在原产国只不过是交通工具罢了。
- The exclusion of women from the temple made them feel sad. 妇女被排斥于寺院之外使得她们很难过。
- People from every country of the Diaspora now live in Israel. 当年流落他乡的犹太人现在生活在以色列。
- Their treatment of women is unspeakable. 他们对待妇女的方式恶劣得难以言表。
- Just such a tribe lives in the remote mountains of southeastern China.LakeLugu,knowns as the "Country of Women" is home to the Mosuo, one of the few remaining matriarchal societies left in the world. 这样的部落居住在中国东南的偏远山区中,以“女儿国”闻名于世的泸沽湖是摩梭族的所在之地,他们是世界上仅存的少数母系社会之一。
- Hundreds of women and children fell to the rebels’ gunfire last month. 上个月数百名妇女儿童死于叛军的炮火。
- Will it be in the country of the claimant? 申诉方所在地?
- Just such a tribe lives in the remote mountains of southeastern China.Lake Lugu, known as the “Country of Women” is home to the Mosuo, one of the few remaining matriarchal societies left in the world. 这样的部落居住在中国东南的偏远山区中,以“女儿国”闻名于世的泸沽湖是摩梭族的所在之地,他们是世界上仅存的少数母系社会之一。
- He lived in Shamir, in the hill country of Ephraim. 他住在以法莲山地的沙密。
- A long time ago the tiny country of Switzerland was ruled by Austria. 很久以前,瑞士这个小国被奥地利统治。
- The audience consisted mostly of women. 观众多数是妇女。
- They were split on the question of women's rights. 他们在女权问题上意见分歧。
- His championship of women's rights is well known. 他提倡女权是众所周知的。
- Enter the country of origin for each item. 输入每项物品的国家原产地。
- She spoke of the emancipation of women. 她谈到了妇女的解放。
- Evacuation to the country of Your choice. 护送至你选择的国家。
- I'm a strong supporter of women's rights. 我是一个妇女权益的坚强支持者。